Saturday, May 23, 2009

What Happened To Us?

Lost and lonely

Alone in this pathetic place

That we call home

What happened to us?

We used to be so strong

Knowing all along, it wouldn't last

Now it's just the past

All the evidence is burned

Only a lesson is what we've learned

What happened to us?

You said you were close to the egde

I said jump, I'll catch you

I'll never let you fall

When knowing all along,

I wasn't strong enough

I'll never be good enough

You know who I was

We both know who I am

I know who I want to be

I want to be like you

What happened to us?

Only you know

Tell me what to do

I'm lost and lonely

In this pathetic place..

Friday, May 22, 2009

This Song

This Song
It brings back flooding memories
From my haunting past
Memories I buried away a long time ago
Why do they keep coming back?
I promised myself I will never be that person again
And I won't
Not now, Not ever.
I will never hurt a person like that again
People I love, People I care about so much
Carelessly cutting them open
Tugging at their hearts
In the wrong ways
This Song
It pops into my head
Takes me back to that place
Like a knife to my heart
That place of darkness
That place of insecurity, lies, depression
Depression will never control me again
HE took that away some time ago
And it's never coming back
This Song
Won't control me anymore.